pokenchi 関連ツイート
今やポケモンは親子で楽しむ時代だし #pokenchi
@O_taki0606 2018/12/23 08:15
進んでるなぁ、カビゴンは #pokenchi
@rotom_note2 2018/12/23 08:13
#pokenchi@dailuka1160 2018/12/23 08:25
Item Number 15
Fundamental Spoken Chinese"Fundamental Spoken Chinese" introduces most of the basic grammatical patterns of modern spoken Mandarin in a carefully planned, graduated fashion. Every chapter follows the same organizational format and includes: key grammar points, new vocabulary items arranged by part of speech, sentence patterns, and four or five short dialogs illustrating contextual use of each new grammar pattern and vocabulary item. Non-technical explanations of grammar are written from the perspective of the English-speaking learner and are illustrated with multiple sentences in simple chart form. When appropriate, vocabulary and culture notes are provided, together with numerous drills, exercises, and in-class activities. Finally, English-Chinese translation exercises help determine how well students have mastered the chapter's grammar and vocabulary. The authors of "Fundamental Spoken Chinese" and its accompanying text, "Fundamental Written Chinese", treat spoken and written language as two different but related systems that are most effectively learned by delinking the sequence in which the particulars of each system are taught. Such an approach ensures that reading and writing skills are firmly grounded in the spoken vocabulary and grammar previously learned. Both volumes are designed to provide students with a systematic, knowledge-based approach to speaking, listening, reading, and writing Chinese.Dimensions: 24.89 x 20.07 x 2.79 centimetres (0.96 kg)"Fundamental Spoken Chinese"は、現代の中国語の基本的な文法パターンの大部分を慎重に計画された、段階的な方法で導入しています。
最後に、英語 - 中国語の練習が、この章の文法と語彙をどの程度習得しているかを判断するのに役立ちます。
"Fundamental Spoken Chinese"の著者とそれに付随するテキスト "Fundamental Written Chinese"は、それぞれのシステムの特質を教えているシーケンスを脱線することによって、話し言葉と言葉遣いを最も効果的に学習する2つの異なるシステムです。
寸法:24.89 x 20.07 x 2.79センチメートル(0.96 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。
Review Count | レビュー件数 | 0件 |
Review Average | レビュー平均 | 0.0(5点満点) |
Shop Name | ショップ | Excellent Imports |
Price | 商品価格 | 8,784円(税込み) |
今やポケモンは親子で楽しむ時代だし #pokenchi
@O_taki0606 2018/12/23 08:15
進んでるなぁ、カビゴンは #pokenchi
@rotom_note2 2018/12/23 08:13
#pokenchi@dailuka1160 2018/12/23 08:25